Scratch Golfers

About every February or March, we start to get the itch to visit our dear friends in Phoenix. Warm days and green grass seem to call to us from our neighboring state to the west. We are so thankful that the Hedricks welcome us with open arms, scheduled tee times, and puppy accommodations.

We were first introduced to the joys of a furry golf companion when we met Lily the Yorkie. She provided a special type of therapy after missed fairways and bad putts just by hanging out in the cart and wagging her tail. And so, when Remington rescued us, we thought maybe he would be interested in becoming a golf course canine like Lily.

Some courses are more welcoming than others to having Remington as our caddy, yet anyone we get paired with is impressed with his golf etiquette. He enjoys sitting in the cart, basking in the sun, and watching our shots. He rarely makes a sound except for when we head off to a hidden green … guess he’s just as yippy as we are that we sink the putt.

So when make our annual Arizona golf migration, Remington and Lily enjoy meeting up, exchanging sniffs, and sharing tails of marked greens. The two tagalong and enjoy all our fun sixsome adventures.

These two “scratch” golfers are the ultimate companions, on and off the course.

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