Birthday Cake and Kindness for My Big Brother


Happy Birthday Jack – my VIP!

Today is my brother’s 40th birthday.  If you ever get the opportunity to meet Jack, you’ll fall in love with him instantly.  I think it’s his pure, kind heart.  There’s no alter ego or front that he hides behind … he’s just a good (now old) boy.


Sister love for Jack.

In preparation of this big milestone, we decided to throw him a surprise party!  However, it’s pretty difficult to keep things a secret in our family and circle of friends.  Of course, Jack obliged and didn’t lead on that he knew about the party.  So, us ladies pressed on with invitations, whispered giggles, menu planning and decorations.

Once everyone was in their places for the big moment, it was great to stand back and see all the wonderful friends that he has made from over the last 40 years gather and help celebrate my brother Jack.

And even though it’s not my birthday, my wish is that Jack knows that each time I get to see him and hug him it’s a celebration for me.

Thanks to all who joined us in making it a great day filled with love, happiness and delicious cake!


Jack’s lovely lady (and cake maker!)


Let's get this party started!

Let’s get this party started!

For more party pics, visit

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